El anuncio Manitou MRT3050 manipulador telescópico rotativo en venta por subasta se ha vendido y no está incluido en la búsqueda.
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Manitou MRT3050 manipulador telescópico rotativo
Manitou MRT3050 manipulador telescópico rotativo
Manitou MRT3050 manipulador telescópico rotativo imagen 2
Manitou MRT3050 manipulador telescópico rotativo imagen 3
Manitou MRT3050 manipulador telescópico rotativo imagen 4
Manitou MRT3050 manipulador telescópico rotativo imagen 5
Manitou MRT3050 manipulador telescópico rotativo imagen 6
Manitou MRT3050 manipulador telescópico rotativo imagen 7
Manitou MRT3050 manipulador telescópico rotativo imagen 8
Manitou MRT3050 manipulador telescópico rotativo imagen 9
Manitou MRT3050 manipulador telescópico rotativo imagen 10
Manitou MRT3050 manipulador telescópico rotativo imagen 11
Manitou MRT3050 manipulador telescópico rotativo imagen 12
Manitou MRT3050 manipulador telescópico rotativo imagen 13
Marca:  Manitou
Modelo:  MRT3050
Año de fabricación:  2012
Horas de trabajo:  2900 m/h
Ubicación:  Noruega Kollsnes
Fecha de publicación:  18 jun 2024
Forkliftonline ID:  XZ40623
Subasta:  1
Fecha de ejecución:  2024-06-17 16:00
Fecha de finalización:  2024-06-27 10:10
Ejes:  2
Estado:  usados

Información adicional — Manitou MRT3050 manipulador telescópico rotativo

Important sales information
Seller information
Vennligst observer: Ansatte i Equinor kan ikke delta i auksjonen. Equinor eller base har ansvar
for å melde ifra hvis det oppdages kritikkverdige forhold ved transportør, personell, utstyr eller
kjøretøy som strider med regelverket for veitransport i Norge. Ved lasting/henting av
tungt/voluminøst materiell hvor Equinor eller base er involvert, ber vi kjøper om å opprette dialog
for å tilpasse seg evt. lokalt regelverk.
Utstyret kan være benyttet offshore.
Spørsmål eller ønske om besiktigelse sendes equinor@icspartner.com. Selger refunderer ikke
MVA til internasjonale kjøpere.
Alle partier selges Ex.Works. Kjøper er selv ansvarlig for å søke om refusjon av MVA.
Kjøper må avhente kjøpt materiell senest 14 dager etter betalt vare. NB For materiell som trenger
utvidet assistanse fra basepersonell for pålasting kan kostnader påløpe for kjøper (gjelder ikke
enklere løft med truck).
Equinors materiell ligger på tollager, og må etter salg fortolles inn i Norge. Dette utføres av
Retrade sammen med Equinors speditør. Dette medfører hverken kostnader eller oppgaver for
kjøper. Materiellet blir ikke utlevert før fortollingen har funnet sted.
Please note: Equinor employees cannot participate in the auction. Equinor or the base is
responsible for reporting if objectionable conditions are discovered with the carrier, personnel,
equipment or vehicle that contravene the regulations for road transport in Norway. When
loading/retrieving heavy/bulky material where Equinor or the base is involved, we ask the buyer to
establish a dialogue in order to adapt to any local regulations.
The equipment may have been used offshore.
Questions or requests for inspection to be made to: equinor@icspartner.com.
The Equipment shall be collected within 14 days after payment.
All lots are sold Ex. Works. Seller does not refund VAT (MVA) to international buyers. Buyer is
responsible for applying for refund from the authorities.
Please note that with required assistance from base personell for loading objects, cost for the
buyer may occur (not simple lifts with fork lift). Equinor goods is stocked in a customs warehouse,
and need to be customs cleared before delivery. We are doing this with Equinor forwarding agent.
This entails nor cost or tasks for the buyer. The goods can not be picked up until customs
clearing has been done. Please note: Equinor or the base are responsible for reporting any
unacceptable conditions discovered for carriers, personnel, equipment or vehicles that violate the
road transport regulations in Norway. Equinor employees may not take part in in the auction.
For loading/collection of heavy / voluminous material where Equinor or base is involved, we ask
the buyer to establish a dialogue to adapt to any local regulations
General conditions
Sales commission is included in your bid. Auction charges and VAT is added when applicable.
Payment charges (kr 250,- / EUR 25) will be added.
All invoices have 5 days payment terms.
Payment must be registered before seller can be contacted for collection of purchased items
All purchases must be collected within 21 days. NOTE! We expect buyer and seller to cooperate on arranging collection according to the current restrictions and instructions from the authorities.
An agreement MUST be made with the seller prior to collection
The auction item is approved bu the buyer at collection.
The buyer is responsible for all costs with regards to pick up, transport and export.
Asset overall condition: In usable condition, but minor errors may occur
Seller / Auction broker: Equinor
Location: Kollsnes , Norway
Sellers website: www.equinor.com
Manitou MRT 3050 med JPM henger
2012 mod
Driftstimer 2900 t
Enkel å bruke
enkel å vedlikeholde
enkel å transportere
Maskinen framstår i bra stand
Godkjent i kontroll 04.2024
rapport vedlagt
Det tas forbehold om feil i annonsen
Ellers godt dokumentert
Dette er den ideelle maskinen for bygg- og anleggsarbeid
Utstyrt med vinsj på 1,5 tonn
Løftehøgde 30 meter. Med jib
Maskinen er påmontert PYROBAN tennkildekontroll
Kontakt equinor@icspartner.com
Manitou MRT 3050 with JPM trailer
2012 vs
Easy to use
easy to maintain
easy to transport
The machine appears to be in good condition
Approved in inspection 04.2024
We reserve the right to make errors in the advertisement
This is the ideal machine for construction work
Equipped with a winch of 1.5 tonnes
Lifting height 30 metres. With jib
The machine is fitted with PYROBAN ignition source control
Contact equinor@icspartner.com
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Manitou manipuladores telescópicos rotativos
Resultados de la búsqueda: 159 anuncios